Cafe A Infoshop

Involucrarse / Get Involved

Cafe A esta ubicado en 8232 Santiago Arguello (o 8232 Avenida Puente Mexico), cerca del arco en centro.
Se puede involuncrarse en muchas maneras. Contactanos sobre de
-Publicaciones y distro de fanzines
-Un proyecto de bicis gratis
-Clases de Ingles/Español gratis
-Noches de peliculas
-Talleres, clases, charlas.
-Vender cosas en nuestro local.

Cafe A is located at 8232 Santiago Argüello (or 8232 Avenida Puente Mexico), near the arch in downtown Tijuana.

Cafe A is a collaborative effort, and there are many ways to get involved and help, whether its helping build our zine library or volunteering to teach a language. Email us if you’d like to get involved with

-Zine publishing and distro
-A Volunteer-Run Community Bicycle Shop
-Free English/Spanish Classes
-Community Movie Nights
-Teaching a workshop, skillshare, or class
-Selling your DIY creations through consignment in our shop